Chicago gay bar lounge

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If you’re a fearless queen, you can join your fellow divas at MaryOke-karaoke night in the upstairs dance floor at Hamburger Mary’s diner. Mary’s Attic Photo Credit: Hamburger Mary’s Facebook You can even get down and dirty at your own private party by renting out this rad space for all of your friends.

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With unique themes like Honeys on Halsted and Ruffy’s Lipstick and Mascara happening on a weekly basis, you can’t pick a bad night to visit this popular gay bar. Thanks to their special $10 bottles of champagne and drag shows starting at 5 p.m., there’s really no reason not to day-drink with these divas.

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after you’ve rolled out of bed with a massive hangover) and cleanse yourself of sleepiness with a good old-fashioned mimosa. Get to the Scarlet Bar early on Sunday (and by early, I mean 11 a.m. Scarlet Bar Photo Credit: Scarlet Bar Facebook This massive, drag-friendly bar puts on the biggest shows of the year almost every single night, so grab your lipstick and mascara and join these ladies on the dance floor!

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If you’re a Northside native, you are sure to have found your way into Berlin at least once every summer, if not because you were drawn to the bumping music and flashing lights from the outside.

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